I am still sucking at this blogging thing but I will not give up.. I am determined and untiltable..lol.
Here is a funny chat I had with a player at Bodog. It was a .05/.10 PLO table and the guy kept buying in for $5.. he would lose it and then go on a rampage about how bad everyone was playing. I bought in for my last $8 on Bodog (I just dropped $30 when my AAxx ran into 1010xx and the guy turned a set on me, also I play at Full Tilt.. just put some money in Bodog to play Smokkee's blog tournament)... I pick up QQxx, flop a flush draw and then turn a higher set... GetOffMyNutz is now pissed at me...
Also, where you see me say "ouch", he hit a set of 6's and I rivered a set of A's.
GetOffMyNutz: omg u r GARBAGE
GetOffMyNutz: pure donkey garbage
SnappyLC: get off my nutz man
GetOffMyNutz: way to call with that 2 outter u piece or trash
GetOffMyNutz: u r PATHETIC
SnappyLC: I told you get off my nutz
SnappyLC: and bet nicer
SnappyLC: only $5
GetOffMyNutz: ur a pathetic DONKEY
SnappyLC: thats nice very nice
SnappyLC: thats not very nice
GetOffMyNutz: u will lose in the long run u piece or trash
GetOffMyNutz: buy a poker book donkey
SnappyLC: still not nice
SnappyLC: try again
SnappyLC: be friendly
GetOffMyNutz: do yourself a favor and but a poker book
SnappyLC: still not nice
GetOffMyNutz: offering avice was nice
SnappyLC: not in the way you put it
GetOffMyNutz: u need it cause u r terrible
SnappyLC: like.. name the book I should buy
SnappyLC: thats not nice
GetOffMyNutz: any poker book will do u goog ...ur so terrible
SnappyLC: try a poker ettique book
SnappyLC: every poker book will tell you to be nice to donkeys
GetOffMyNutz: try learning to fold a crap hand
SnappyLC: they pay you in long run
GetOffMyNutz: yes i know u will
SnappyLC: not folding any hand for $5
SnappyLC: I have a job
GetOffMyNutz: therefore u r a GARBAGE donkey
SnappyLC: so I dont sweat $5
SnappyLC: Still not nice
SnappyLC: you are very unfriendly
GetOffMyNutz: and u are very bad at poker
SnappyLC: not nice..
SnappyLC: try again
GetOffMyNutz: truth hurts doesnt it
SnappyLC: still not nice
SnappyLC: try again
GetOffMyNutz: omg look at this miracle idiot
SnappyLC: still not nice
SnappyLC: try again
SnappyLC: ouch
GetOffMyNutz: omg UNREAL
lithomon: shut him up snappy
SnappyLC: yes
SnappyLC: thank lith
GetOffMyNutz: Un f.ckin REAL
GetOffMyNutz: so horrible
SnappyLC: you were a dog
SnappyLC: I read some books
GetOffMyNutz: i had u dominated
GetOffMyNutz: IDIOT
SnappyLC: still not nice
SnappyLC: try again
GetOffMyNutz: this is OMAHA not holdem u idiot
GetOffMyNutz: damn u r HORRIBLE
SnappyLC: still not nice
SnappyLC: try again
SnappyLC: small advice..
GetOffMyNutz: not gonna be nice when u consistently suck out on
horrible plays hittin 2 outters
SnappyLC: if you get reraised and you had KKxx you are beat
SnappyLC: see.. I am offering advice and being nice
GetOffMyNutz: i hit a set on flop idiot
GetOffMyNutz: u were CRUSHED
SnappyLC: but you should have folded preflop
SnappyLC: you were beat
SnappyLC: you got lucky on the flop
GetOffMyNutz: not .45 idiot
SnappyLC: see that is nice
GetOffMyNutz: damn u know nothing about poker
SnappyLC: good advice I offered
GetOffMyNutz: a good player woulda known to fold ur trash post flop
SnappyLC: still not nice
GetOffMyNutz: what ur not good..it is known fact
SnappyLC: get $20 and I will fold
SnappyLC: but not for $5
SnappyLC: still not being nice
SnappyLC: try again
SnappyLC: reraise
SnappyLC: dont fold
GetOffMyNutz: im not a donk like u..i know when to fold a hand
SnappyLC: still not nice
SnappyLC: try again
GetOffMyNutz: like i said im not nice to idiots who consistanly suck
out 2 outters on me
SnappyLC: still not nice
SnappyLC: you should be.. thats how you make money
SnappyLC: you should be complimenting my play
GetOffMyNutz: not if u keep hittin bs miracles
SnappyLC: wont last long..
SnappyLC: and then you will get paid
SnappyLC: see.. I am being nice
SnappyLC: good advice.
SnappyLC: so lets try this conversation again
SnappyLC: I suck out on you and what do you say??
SnappyLC: come on.. I know you know the answer.
GetOffMyNutz: nh
SnappyLC: there we go
GetOffMyNutz: happy?
SnappyLC: try it in the future and gl
lithomon: gh
GetOffMyNutz: ty
I learned a long time ago that it is a waste of time to argue with these types.. best to get a good laugh out of the situation. Funny how I got him to tell me "nh".. (I am a teacher!)
Monday, December 10, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Still sucking at the blogging
OK. Been about 2 weeks since my last post. I really suck at keeping up with this but I am not going to quit. I probably should quit as no one is reading this anyway (why would they as it sucks). I guess other bloggers could use this blog as an example of what not to do in your blog.. so maybe that is my new niche.. come to untiltable so you can see how NOT to run a blog.. worst on the Internet.
But enough negativity for today.. positive and full steam ahead. First off, I want to see if any of the other bloggers I have been playing with read this so that they can learn what not to do with a blog (waste readers time), so i will pay the buy in for the Mookie or Riverchaser, to the first blogger who posts a comment on the blog. Hoyazo, I love the blogger tourny you are running but $26 is too much to pay for someone else. I am cheap. So if you are the first to comment on the blog, leave your Full Tilt username and I will transfer the money to you.
Poker Part:
Ran good last week and made the final table of the Mookie and finished second in the Dookie (turbo razz). Got knocked out in the Mookie when I raised w 99 UTG and got reraise by a tight player on the button. I should have folded but I donkey pushed with my 99 (I would only be ahead of 88 or lower, be racing with A10 or higher and be a huge dog to 10 10 or higher... very bad play on my part considering the read I had on him).. he turns over KK and I was gone. The same player had limped earlier with AA when I had KK.. then just called my raise. I pushed on the flop as there was not A (he has 2 of them so it was a long shot that an A would flop:-).... he turned over AA and doubled through me).
Cash game PLO has been going well as I have gotten control of my tilt and am getting a good feel for the swings. I hit a good score a couple of week ago in a tourny and have moved from the $100 tables to the $200 tables (I am buying in short ($80) as the PLO book I am reading at moment suggests). A good example of why I have to keep control of my tilt was last night. I was hot early and up about $300 the first hour, over the course of the next 15 minutes I dropped about $500 and was stuck for about $200 and $250 over the next 3 hours. I stayed patient, didnt tilt and grinded my way back to $50 win... In the past, I would have been pissed that I dropped $500 and would have burned through another $200 or $300 before I got my tilt under control. Over the course of a month, my tilts were costing me somewhere between $500 and $1000.
Bankroll: After my score about 3 weeks ago, my bankroll is sitting at about $5800. I keep $3000 on FT, about $100 on bodog (to play the blogger tourny hosted by Smokkee) and about $2700 in the bank so I have money to go to the Borgata this spring and hopefully to Vegas for the WSOP this June and July (I would like to play in some of the smaller buy in events and maybe sat into the main event).
Still staying with the Furguson strategy of 2% for tournaments and 5% for cash game (I actually only put about 2% on the cash table but will go as high as 5% if the table is good). So far, it has paid off as I started with about $1000 or so and am now at $5800.. time will tell if this works or not but overall it has been interesting (gone broke about 5 times so we will see how it goes :-)
My wife has recently started her pre pharm courses and it looks like she will be done by this summer so the hunt is now on for a pharmacy school. We have fixed the house up and will be putting it on the market in January. So far, we have found about 5 schools that we like (but we will have to move to wherever she gets accepted as it is tough to get into pharm school). Univ of Hilo at Hawii is at the top of the list. We both would love to experience Hawaii for several years. and it would be nice to worry about the waves being too big instead of flat (which is about every other day here in Coastal NC.. plus, Its too cold to surf in the winter and that would not be an issue in Hawaii). I will need a job when we move there and the UH at Hilo has had several positions that I could apply for (instructor or technician). I would love to move there and slide into an instructor position teaching networking and security courses... they currently are looking for an instructor but it starts in January and I wont be ready to move until about May.
One of our concern about Hawaii is moving to an area that we never have visited. The best perception I can come up with about this issue is to treat is like an assignment. When I was in the Air Force, you did not have a choice about where they sent you. You took your orders, moved to the base and the learned about base and surrounding area. This is the perception I am going to use if we do go to Hawaii... My wife needs the Pharmacy training, I need a new job.. we will go, make the best of it and after 4 years (Phar school is 4 years), we can move back to NC if we want to.
Enough rambling on my crappy blog.. remember.. if you are the first person to comment about this post, I will pay your way to the Mookie or Riverchasers. Just leave your Full Tilt username in the comment.
But enough negativity for today.. positive and full steam ahead. First off, I want to see if any of the other bloggers I have been playing with read this so that they can learn what not to do with a blog (waste readers time), so i will pay the buy in for the Mookie or Riverchaser, to the first blogger who posts a comment on the blog. Hoyazo, I love the blogger tourny you are running but $26 is too much to pay for someone else. I am cheap. So if you are the first to comment on the blog, leave your Full Tilt username and I will transfer the money to you.
Poker Part:
Ran good last week and made the final table of the Mookie and finished second in the Dookie (turbo razz). Got knocked out in the Mookie when I raised w 99 UTG and got reraise by a tight player on the button. I should have folded but I donkey pushed with my 99 (I would only be ahead of 88 or lower, be racing with A10 or higher and be a huge dog to 10 10 or higher... very bad play on my part considering the read I had on him).. he turns over KK and I was gone. The same player had limped earlier with AA when I had KK.. then just called my raise. I pushed on the flop as there was not A (he has 2 of them so it was a long shot that an A would flop:-).... he turned over AA and doubled through me).
Cash game PLO has been going well as I have gotten control of my tilt and am getting a good feel for the swings. I hit a good score a couple of week ago in a tourny and have moved from the $100 tables to the $200 tables (I am buying in short ($80) as the PLO book I am reading at moment suggests). A good example of why I have to keep control of my tilt was last night. I was hot early and up about $300 the first hour, over the course of the next 15 minutes I dropped about $500 and was stuck for about $200 and $250 over the next 3 hours. I stayed patient, didnt tilt and grinded my way back to $50 win... In the past, I would have been pissed that I dropped $500 and would have burned through another $200 or $300 before I got my tilt under control. Over the course of a month, my tilts were costing me somewhere between $500 and $1000.
Bankroll: After my score about 3 weeks ago, my bankroll is sitting at about $5800. I keep $3000 on FT, about $100 on bodog (to play the blogger tourny hosted by Smokkee) and about $2700 in the bank so I have money to go to the Borgata this spring and hopefully to Vegas for the WSOP this June and July (I would like to play in some of the smaller buy in events and maybe sat into the main event).
Still staying with the Furguson strategy of 2% for tournaments and 5% for cash game (I actually only put about 2% on the cash table but will go as high as 5% if the table is good). So far, it has paid off as I started with about $1000 or so and am now at $5800.. time will tell if this works or not but overall it has been interesting (gone broke about 5 times so we will see how it goes :-)
My wife has recently started her pre pharm courses and it looks like she will be done by this summer so the hunt is now on for a pharmacy school. We have fixed the house up and will be putting it on the market in January. So far, we have found about 5 schools that we like (but we will have to move to wherever she gets accepted as it is tough to get into pharm school). Univ of Hilo at Hawii is at the top of the list. We both would love to experience Hawaii for several years. and it would be nice to worry about the waves being too big instead of flat (which is about every other day here in Coastal NC.. plus, Its too cold to surf in the winter and that would not be an issue in Hawaii). I will need a job when we move there and the UH at Hilo has had several positions that I could apply for (instructor or technician). I would love to move there and slide into an instructor position teaching networking and security courses... they currently are looking for an instructor but it starts in January and I wont be ready to move until about May.
One of our concern about Hawaii is moving to an area that we never have visited. The best perception I can come up with about this issue is to treat is like an assignment. When I was in the Air Force, you did not have a choice about where they sent you. You took your orders, moved to the base and the learned about base and surrounding area. This is the perception I am going to use if we do go to Hawaii... My wife needs the Pharmacy training, I need a new job.. we will go, make the best of it and after 4 years (Phar school is 4 years), we can move back to NC if we want to.
Enough rambling on my crappy blog.. remember.. if you are the first person to comment about this post, I will pay your way to the Mookie or Riverchasers. Just leave your Full Tilt username in the comment.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Week in poker
It has been a little over a week since I last posted anything. When I started this my goal was to post at least 3 or 4 times a week. Alot harder to keep up with a blog then I originally thought (two jobs and two kids can keep you busy :-) but I am committed to creating a blog that will be useful.
Over the last 2 months, I havent had any results in NL Holdem tournaments. At first, I thought it was just the way the card were falling but after about 8 weeks of nothing, I knew it was time to look over my game. Another player ,JD Schellnutt (JD is for Jerkoff Donkey :-) and I looked over some of the tournaments I had played. Tournament after tournament, it became pretty obvious that I was playing way to loose to early (trying to accumulate chips) and getting myself in alot of marginal situations. So coming into this week, I went back to tight, aggressive (or tight, weak :-) style and it paid off (all small cashed but better than getting out early almost every tourny.. at least getting to a position where I can win one). I stayed tight early in the tournaments, passed on marginal situations and as the blinds increase, used the tight image to pound on the blinds. Finished sixth in the MATH on Monday, 9th in the Mookie (I sucked in the Dookie going out early on a low draw) and 30th in the Riverchasers (went card dead near the end and had several blind steal attempts picked off). I also picked up a couple of small cashed trying to qualify for some FTOPS tournys (havent made one yet though) and cashed in our weekly home game here on the island.
Speaking of on the island, TS/Hurricane Noel is off the coast, swell was headed in our direction to be here on Thursday and stay through Saturday.... I could take one day off to get wet... chose Friday and got hosed.. Thursday was waist to head high and glassy.. Friday was waist with 40+ mph winds so I removed tile in our bathroom instead. Looks like I need to work on my poker game and analyzing weather reports :-)
Over the last 2 months, I havent had any results in NL Holdem tournaments. At first, I thought it was just the way the card were falling but after about 8 weeks of nothing, I knew it was time to look over my game. Another player ,JD Schellnutt (JD is for Jerkoff Donkey :-) and I looked over some of the tournaments I had played. Tournament after tournament, it became pretty obvious that I was playing way to loose to early (trying to accumulate chips) and getting myself in alot of marginal situations. So coming into this week, I went back to tight, aggressive (or tight, weak :-) style and it paid off (all small cashed but better than getting out early almost every tourny.. at least getting to a position where I can win one). I stayed tight early in the tournaments, passed on marginal situations and as the blinds increase, used the tight image to pound on the blinds. Finished sixth in the MATH on Monday, 9th in the Mookie (I sucked in the Dookie going out early on a low draw) and 30th in the Riverchasers (went card dead near the end and had several blind steal attempts picked off). I also picked up a couple of small cashed trying to qualify for some FTOPS tournys (havent made one yet though) and cashed in our weekly home game here on the island.
Speaking of on the island, TS/Hurricane Noel is off the coast, swell was headed in our direction to be here on Thursday and stay through Saturday.... I could take one day off to get wet... chose Friday and got hosed.. Thursday was waist to head high and glassy.. Friday was waist with 40+ mph winds so I removed tile in our bathroom instead. Looks like I need to work on my poker game and analyzing weather reports :-)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Blogger tournaments
Had alot of fun playing blogger tournaments on Monday and Tuesday.
Mondays tournament, at Full Tilt, hosted by Hammer had 82 players with the top 9 getting paid (first place also received a tourny entry to BBTwo Tournament of Champions). Was running well until a relative short stacked pushed from the cutoff, I have AKs and call. Cutoff flips over 94o.. Just what I didnt want to see.. 2 live cards (been running bad lately)... hoping for A rag. 9 on the flop and I am crippled. I then push with K2 on the button, BB flips over A9o, A on the flop and I am out in 26th place.
My bust out was eased by the fact that JD Shellnutt and I had a $10 side bet which I won (he was out about 60th or so).
Fun tournament and I plan to play each week. Visit the link above to find out more info about it.
Tuesdays tournament, at Bodog, hosted by Smokkee had 21 players with the top 3 getting paid and the top 9 getting tournament credit (from $11 to $109). Was also running well in this tournament until a equal stack raised from the cutoff.. I was in the BB with 77 and shoved (had some fold equity so I was hoping to just take the pot there). The cutoff calls with KQo... no K or Q flop, dodge the turn bullet.. K on the river.. Crippled and then gone in 13th place.. Cutoff is killing me in the these blogger tournys. Overall, very fun tournament and we started with a double stack (3000) chips so there was a chance to play some poker beyond just shoving all in.
Visit the link above to find out more info about it.
Lastly, again, I am new to blogging, so if you read this and have any helpful tips, let me know.
Mondays tournament, at Full Tilt, hosted by Hammer had 82 players with the top 9 getting paid (first place also received a tourny entry to BBTwo Tournament of Champions). Was running well until a relative short stacked pushed from the cutoff, I have AKs and call. Cutoff flips over 94o.. Just what I didnt want to see.. 2 live cards (been running bad lately)... hoping for A rag. 9 on the flop and I am crippled. I then push with K2 on the button, BB flips over A9o, A on the flop and I am out in 26th place.
My bust out was eased by the fact that JD Shellnutt and I had a $10 side bet which I won (he was out about 60th or so).
Fun tournament and I plan to play each week. Visit the link above to find out more info about it.
Tuesdays tournament, at Bodog, hosted by Smokkee had 21 players with the top 3 getting paid and the top 9 getting tournament credit (from $11 to $109). Was also running well in this tournament until a equal stack raised from the cutoff.. I was in the BB with 77 and shoved (had some fold equity so I was hoping to just take the pot there). The cutoff calls with KQo... no K or Q flop, dodge the turn bullet.. K on the river.. Crippled and then gone in 13th place.. Cutoff is killing me in the these blogger tournys. Overall, very fun tournament and we started with a double stack (3000) chips so there was a chance to play some poker beyond just shoving all in.
Visit the link above to find out more info about it.
Lastly, again, I am new to blogging, so if you read this and have any helpful tips, let me know.
Monday, October 22, 2007
PLO Hand
Another PLO Hi hand I played at Sportbook a couple of months ago.

Pre Flop odds Flop Odds Turn Odds
Me (UncleBrad): 70% 42% 42%
Crimedog: 30% 58% 58%
Started out way ahead in this hand and probably should have raised with KKxx preflop but I am new to PLO so what do I know. Got a flop that made a straight for Crimedog but I couldnt lay down the flush draw in this spot. Before I looked at the odd on CardPlayers PLO calculator, I thought I was at 35% on the flop (similiar to Holdem) so it was interesting to find out that I was at 42% on the flop.. I wasnt as far behind as I thought.
The Turn committed me to the hand, having the nut flush draw and the full house draw. I wasnt going anywhere (and there was the possibility that I was now ahead on the turn (if he had 2 pair)). And with one card to come, I was still at 42%. (I put in 7.65 in on the turn, he called and now there is about $22 in the pot, so I the odds on my money are at 36%.. so I feel this was the right play).
The River was the end.. no help and I lost the pot.
For this type of hand, it might be best to lay it down on the flop to alot of action unless there are 2 other players in the pot. On the turn, I feel like I had the proper odds to put it all in. If anyone reads this and they play PLO Hi, please let me know what you think.
Also, found an answer to my previous post about idontgiveashi.. the player seems to be doing very well for themselves :-)

Pre Flop odds Flop Odds Turn Odds
Me (UncleBrad): 70% 42% 42%
Crimedog: 30% 58% 58%
Started out way ahead in this hand and probably should have raised with KKxx preflop but I am new to PLO so what do I know. Got a flop that made a straight for Crimedog but I couldnt lay down the flush draw in this spot. Before I looked at the odd on CardPlayers PLO calculator, I thought I was at 35% on the flop (similiar to Holdem) so it was interesting to find out that I was at 42% on the flop.. I wasnt as far behind as I thought.
The Turn committed me to the hand, having the nut flush draw and the full house draw. I wasnt going anywhere (and there was the possibility that I was now ahead on the turn (if he had 2 pair)). And with one card to come, I was still at 42%. (I put in 7.65 in on the turn, he called and now there is about $22 in the pot, so I the odds on my money are at 36%.. so I feel this was the right play).
The River was the end.. no help and I lost the pot.
For this type of hand, it might be best to lay it down on the flop to alot of action unless there are 2 other players in the pot. On the turn, I feel like I had the proper odds to put it all in. If anyone reads this and they play PLO Hi, please let me know what you think.
Also, found an answer to my previous post about idontgiveashi.. the player seems to be doing very well for themselves :-)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Who was it?
Started grinding on the .25/.50 PLO table last night about 9pm... bought in for $20 (max is $50) as I am working on a low buy in strategy that I read in the book "Secrets of Professional Pot-Limit Omaha " (about half way through the book but it has saved me hundreds already). A player named "idontgiveashi" was at the table and raising about every pot and see almost all of them down to the river. After idontgiveashi showed down several hands and got stacked 3 times, I was ready to mix it up in a pot with him/her. I got stacked on my first try when I missed with a str and flush draw (person on my right stacks me and idontgiveashi)... I rebuy for $20... I get KK22 double suited, idontgiveashi raises, person on my right calls, I push to isolate, person on my left reraises (now I know I am screwed), idontgiveashi goes all in, I have to go all in as I only have about $4 left, person on my left flips over AAxx and stacks me and idontgiveashi.
I rebuy and idontgiveashi rebuy's.. I lose $10 more.. I am now down $50 in about 10 minutes (great way to start my grind) and idontgiveashi gets stacked about 2 or 3 more times. Person on my left and right are now sitting with about $200 each (max buy in is $50) and again, I am down $50.
So idontgiveashi drops about $300 at the table and leaves. I still cant figure out if this player is just on a wicked tilt (which I doubt because I think they would have quit after about 3 buy ins) or they plays much higher stakes and is just having some fun at the lower limits. So I do a player search (if this player is on tilt, I want to join whatever tablehe/she is at) and I find idontgiveashi, by themselves, sitting at the 200/400 PLO table with over $80,000 sitting in front of them... so I found my answer... high roller having some fun.. wonder if it was one of the pros just burning some money at the lower limits and having some fun (glad he/she had some fun, I donkeyed off $50 trying to stack them.. lol).
I rebuy and idontgiveashi rebuy's.. I lose $10 more.. I am now down $50 in about 10 minutes (great way to start my grind) and idontgiveashi gets stacked about 2 or 3 more times. Person on my left and right are now sitting with about $200 each (max buy in is $50) and again, I am down $50.
So idontgiveashi drops about $300 at the table and leaves. I still cant figure out if this player is just on a wicked tilt (which I doubt because I think they would have quit after about 3 buy ins) or they plays much higher stakes and is just having some fun at the lower limits. So I do a player search (if this player is on tilt, I want to join whatever tablehe/she is at) and I find idontgiveashi, by themselves, sitting at the 200/400 PLO table with over $80,000 sitting in front of them... so I found my answer... high roller having some fun.. wonder if it was one of the pros just burning some money at the lower limits and having some fun (glad he/she had some fun, I donkeyed off $50 trying to stack them.. lol).
Thursday, October 18, 2007
PLO Hi Hand

This image is very poor, so I will list the hands
Me (SnappyLC at Sportbook): 2d 9c 4h 3c
2nd Player: 5h 8s 5d 4s
3rd Player: 6c 9s 7h 9d
Flop: Ah 5s 9c
Turn: 8c
River: 10h
Was playing for awhile at Sportsbook.. was alot of fun.. loose games and you can deposit via credit card but it took 3+ months for me to make a withdrawal so I moved back to FT.
Here was a hand I played in Omaha Hi, the percentages and my assessment.
Preflop | Flop | Turn |
| Me: 0% |
Called the one dollar flop bet but folded when the person raised it to 5.95. Made a good fold as I as a well behind on the flop, even with 3 cards to a straight. Notice how far behind the set of 5s are to the set of 9s. I have lost quite a few pots getting it all in with second set in Omaha (nothing like Holdem where a set over set is rare).
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tournament Results
A little background first. After going broke about 5 times, I decided to read a couple of articles about bankroll management and tournaments. An article by Chris Furguson (where he turned $20 into $20,000) advised only using 2% of your bankroll for any tournament buy in. An article I read by cracknaces (former blogger) advised 1% of your bankroll. So for my tournament buy ins, I am using the 1% rule (staying on the safe side) and only playing in tournaments that cost $12 or less (my bankroll is currently around $1200).
Played 3 tournaments last night:
At 8:45, I played the $5.50 Omaha Hi/Lo Limit tournament on Full Tilt. There was about 136 players and I finished 3rd and cashed for $77. I have been running well in this tournament lately with 6 final tables (2nd, 3rd, 5th, 5th and 6th) over my last 20 tournaments.
At 9:45, I played in the $5.50 Razz Limit tournament on FT. It been a long time since I played Razz but I like the game and my mom was also playing (yanamama is her user name.. we have a restaurant in Swansboro called Yana's (sisters name) and thus she plays as yanamama). I busted out about 33rd (64 players) and mom finished 10th (right outside the money)... so I got my a@@ kicked by my mom.. luckily we didnt have an side bets.. lol
At 10:20, I played in the $8.70 PLO super satellite to FTOP#4 on FT. This was my homerun swing for the night. Most of the time I am grinding it out in the small buy in tournament and PLO Hi cash game but I am going to start playing the super sats to FTOPS and Aussie qualifier so that maybe I can score a "big" win in the future. There was 35 players and the top 2 got a seat in the Satellite (which is in November) and 3 through 5 paid. I finished 8th. I was card dead (only played about 20% of my hand on a 6 top PLO table.. usually around 35 - 40%) and the player to my right was pounding on me by raising about every other pot. I called about half the raises but couldnt hit.. I definitely need to work on a strategy to counter that type of aggressive play (call and hope to hit a hand did not work).. felt like I had been in a boxing match after that player got done with me :-).. so no homerun tonight.. I will keep at it though.
Played 3 tournaments last night:
At 8:45, I played the $5.50 Omaha Hi/Lo Limit tournament on Full Tilt. There was about 136 players and I finished 3rd and cashed for $77. I have been running well in this tournament lately with 6 final tables (2nd, 3rd, 5th, 5th and 6th) over my last 20 tournaments.
At 9:45, I played in the $5.50 Razz Limit tournament on FT. It been a long time since I played Razz but I like the game and my mom was also playing (yanamama is her user name.. we have a restaurant in Swansboro called Yana's (sisters name) and thus she plays as yanamama). I busted out about 33rd (64 players) and mom finished 10th (right outside the money)... so I got my a@@ kicked by my mom.. luckily we didnt have an side bets.. lol
At 10:20, I played in the $8.70 PLO super satellite to FTOP#4 on FT. This was my homerun swing for the night. Most of the time I am grinding it out in the small buy in tournament and PLO Hi cash game but I am going to start playing the super sats to FTOPS and Aussie qualifier so that maybe I can score a "big" win in the future. There was 35 players and the top 2 got a seat in the Satellite (which is in November) and 3 through 5 paid. I finished 8th. I was card dead (only played about 20% of my hand on a 6 top PLO table.. usually around 35 - 40%) and the player to my right was pounding on me by raising about every other pot. I called about half the raises but couldnt hit.. I definitely need to work on a strategy to counter that type of aggressive play (call and hope to hit a hand did not work).. felt like I had been in a boxing match after that player got done with me :-).. so no homerun tonight.. I will keep at it though.
Welcome to Untiltable!
Welcome. This is my second attempt at starting a blog.. I got slack last time and let the blog go.. but I am determined this time and I am going to stay on top of it. A little about myself, I teach computer related courses at a community college in NC and I have been playing poker for about 2 and half years. For the first 2 years, I only played NL and Limit holdem. Recently, I have been concentration on learning more about Omaha Hi and Omaha Hi/Lo. For the blog, I plan on posting information about Omaha hands, tournaments and my bankroll grind (gone broke trying to grind out a bankroll about 5 times and I have learned some lessons that hopefully will allow me to keep enough money to play on this time.... and thus I am now.. UNTILTABLE...lol :-)
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